SCS Capital Advisors is a professional service provider with a team experienced in the area of Project Management, architectural and engineering design, construction procurement, construction and which acts exclusively on behalf of and as an extension of the Owner.  Our team is referred to as the Program Manager and is cast in the role of Owner's Representative. Our primary role as the Program Manager is overall control of all aspects of the development program, meaning the master planning, pre design, programming of requirements, pre-design budgeting, design, construction, equipping, furnishings, commissioning, occupancy and close-out of the project.  Our major goal is to save money and time for the Owner while helping the Owner achieve its expectations in terms of the desired facility and its delivery within budget and schedule. 


How We Help.

  • SCS comes on board early in the MASTER PLANNING phase and helps organize and manage the pre-design planning, programming and budgeting, also advising the Owner as to the most effective project deliver methods for the project.


  • SCS assists the owner in keeping the project on schedule and in budget throughout pre-design planning, design, construction, furnishing, equipping, commissioning, move-in and contract close-out.  Cost control and advisory services during design are major activities of SCS.  Scheduling in greater detail as the project proceeds and employing advanced scheduling and reporting systems are a major part of our services.


  • SCS assists the Owner in the procurement of the operations and management of the facility.
  • SCS assists the Owner with the procurement of design services.  A major service of SCS is the management of all design services and construction awards as well as the planning for and procurement of furnishings, equipment and other non-constrution elements of the project.


  • SCS assists the Owner in determining that the total project budget is compatible with the program requirements and schedule.


  • SCS assists the Owner in the planning and coordination of the commissioning of the facility and move-in.